Designing a ticket sales platform

Designing a ticket sales platform

Designing a ticket sales platform

for Hungarian State Railways

for Hungarian State Railways

for Hungarian State Railways








Design Direction, UI/UX, Research


Design Direction, UI/UX, Research


Design Direction, UI/UX, Research


Dóra Melher, Tünde Molnár, Lajos Csutorás, Péter Bódis, Márk Tóth, Péter Váradi, Stephen Tamás, Daniel Búzás


Dóra Melher, Tünde Molnár, Lajos Csutorás, Péter Bódis, Márk Tóth, Péter Váradi, Stephen Tamás, Daniel Búzás


Dóra Melher, Tünde Molnár, Lajos Csutorás, Péter Bódis, Márk Tóth, Péter Váradi, Stephen Tamás, Daniel Búzás

As a hands-on Design Director, I spearheaded the redesign of the hungarian national train ticket sales platform to improve the user experience and increase sales.

I led a team of 8 designers over the course of 18 months, conducting extensive research, including user interviews, to understand pain points and identify opportunities for improvement.

We established a digital brand identity and an extensive design system to serve as solid foundation. We examined and recreated key user journeys, perfected UI designs (including icons and illustrations), and delivered interactive prototypes.

We did all of the above for all three platforms of the app: web, mobile, and kiosk.

Creating a design system and brand identity was key to ensure a coherent user experience. The process was complex & tedious, requiring careful consideration of the user experience and brand values.

Together, we developed a comprehensive design system that included typography, color palette, iconography, and UI components. We also created a new brand identity that reflected the platform’s modern and user-friendly approach to train ticket sales.

* Estimated values

The redesigned ticket sales platform had a significant impact on the business. Mav, the national train company, saw a +4% increase* in online ticket sales within the first three months of launching the new platform.

The improved user experience contributed to a ~38% increase* in customer satisfaction ratings.